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2014 National Chapter Challenges for MRM

Category: Written by APhA-ASP Region 3 / 10:18 PM

2014 National Chapter Challenges
Regional Newsletter
20 per article

Submit an article for the regional newsletter
1 article

One week prior to MRM
MRM Theme
20 per submission (max = 2 per chapter)

Submit a photo, article, or video showing us your chapter spirit while incorporating the MRM theme!
1 submission

One week prior to MRM
Member Recognition

20 per submission (max = 1 per chapter)

Submit member recognition to Regional Member-at-Large

1 submission

One week prior to MRM

During MRM

Man Mileage
Miles raveled x number of attendees; 1 point per 1000 miles (ex: 15 members traveled 560 miles = 8400 miles = 8.4 points)
Submit miles traveled by chapter.

Submit miles traveled by chapter.
Friday at registration
Dress Up
% of chapter dressed up (ex: 80% of chapter participation = 80 points)
Dress up for the Friday Night Social according to the theme!
Dress up at the Friday Night Social
At Friday Night Social Registration
Raffle Prize
25 points per raffle prize

Bring a raffle prize on behalf of your chapter using the MRM theme!
Submit a raffle prize
Friday at registration
10 per winning person

Win the icebreaker on Friday night and earn points for your chapter
Win the icebreaker

All submissions should be sent to aphaaspregion3@gmail.com.

Best of luck!

Thank for sharing!

About The APhA-ASP

APhA-ASP Region 3

The American Pharmacist Association is the oldest and largest professional organization for pharmacists in the country. The Academy of Student Pharmacists is held within APhA and is comprised by student pharmacists throughout the nation who are still taking classes at their respective colleges of pharmacy. APhA-ASP puts a strong emphasis on patient care initiatives, advocacy for the profession, and overall training to become a professional in the field of pharmacy.