In case you missed it: Policy Development for MRM *deadlines*
What’s the most magical time of the year? You’re right! The policy development season! Leading up to our Midyear Regional Meeting , this year in Atlanta, GA from Oct. 24 – 26th, the student pharmacists in Region 3 live out one of the main tenets of the APhA-ASP mission statement:
The mission of the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, to improve patient care, and to envision and advance the future of pharmacy.
We form our collective voice through the policy process! Furthermore, it is a powerful voice. Look through the APhA-ASP Adopted Resolutions and see how many of them are current practice today. (Hint: it’s a lot of them)
So here’s how we are going to do this:
Important Dates
· Two draft policy proposals due on Wednesday October 1st by 11:59 PM CDT. Please submit them on the attached template form When you send these in, please provide me with the name, email address, and chapter position of the person who will be introducing the proposed policies on the regional webinar. Which will be taking place:
· Monday October 6th at 9:00 – 10:30 PM EDT (8:00 – 9:30 PM CDT). Anyone is welcome to join, but please have at least one person from the chapter on the webinar. You can register at the following link register/486288118. Also, check out other upcoming webinars on the main page apha-asp-webinar-series.
· The week after that will be spend collaborating with other chapters and fine tuning the proposals that we will discuss at MRM.
· Final policy proposals will be due on Wednesday October 15th by 11:59 PM CDT, on the same template as before, and to the same email address.
· I will send you a document with all the proposals to be discussed by the end of Sunday October 19th so that you have the week before MRM to talk with your chapter.
Then it’s showtime at MRM in the Policy Proposal Forum and then the Closing Business Session. More details are below.
Helpful links:
Tips for successful resolution writing: sites/default/files/files/Ib1 Perfecting Resolution Development.pdf
More details about the process:
APhA-ASP Policy Process – Program at MRM2014
· Although one proposed resolution will be finalized for discussion/debate at the MRM, chapters will be required to submit two (2) proposed resolutions to the Regional Delegate four (4) weeks prior to the start of the MRM. Chapters should utilize the time at the start of the semester to discuss and debate submission of a primary (preferred) proposed resolution and a secondary proposed resolution. The secondary proposed resolution will serve as an alternate proposal, and used only if the primary resolution cannot be presented because of duplication with other chapter submissions, redundancies with resolutions already within the APhA-ASP Adopted Resolutions, incompleteness, and/or any other reason precluding the proposal’s use.
· A Regional Webinar will be conducted three (3) weeks prior to the MRM to discuss, debate, and finalize the proposed resolutions that will be brought forth to the MRM. Your Regional Delegate will organize the proposed resolutions from each of the chapters looking for duplicates and redundancies. Each Chapter will have the opportunity to present their proposed resolutions to the region for a period of two (2) minutes. Chapters will then be provided an opportunity to comment and/or discuss any potential collaborative opportunities between Chapters. These opportunities will be limited discussions, as extensive collaborative efforts should be reserved for separate forums and communications.
· The goal of the Webinar is to facilitate collaborations between chapters with similar ideas or discuss the need for using the alternative proposals. This forum will not be the appropriate place for critiques, supporting/opposing, or promotion of the proposals. Chapters will then be encouraged during and after the Webinar to work together on any duplicative items, and submit their final resolution to be considered two (2) weeks prior to the MRM.
· Each chapter is highly encouraged to have at a least one (1) representative on the Webinar (MRM Chapter Delegate, Chapter Policy Vice President, or Chapter President), however the Webinar is open all chapter members that would like to participate.
· Following the Webinar, Chapters have the opportunity to work together, and submit their final proposed resolution to the Regional Delegate based upon chapter member feedback and feedback received during the Webinar.
· A final copy of the proposed resolutions will be sent to all of the Chapters no later than the Friday, one (1) week prior to the start of the MRM. Chapters should plan on having a general meeting to discuss the proposed resolutions with chapter members to decide on how the Chapter should vote during the MRM.
· Chapters and Chapter Members have an opportunity to discuss their thoughts on each of the Proposed Resolutions, and develop comments and questions to be brought forth during the Policy Proposal Forum.
· Any new Proposed Resolutions developed after the two week deadline shall be consider a New Business Item. All New Business Items are due to the APhA-ASP Regional Delegate by the start of the first session on Saturday of the MRM.
· The APhA-ASP Policy Proposal Forum is conducted on Saturday of the MRM. Each Proposed Resolution is read aloud by the submitting Chapter and then can be discussed/debated by anyone (members and non-members) during the Forum.
· When approaching a microphone to speak during the Policy Proposal Forum or the Closing Business Session, remember to state your name and school. Also, remember to direct all of your comments to the Regional Delegate, National Officer or the person presiding over the Forum or Closing Business Session.
· On Saturday evening of the MRM, Chapters should meet briefly to make a decision on how they will vote on each of the Proposed Resolutions and provide their Chapter Delegate with discussion points.
· On Sunday morning of the MRM, the Closing Business Session is conducted. Elections for Regional Office will be conducted first, then voting on the Proposed Resolutions. During the Closing Business Session, the region will vote on whether to “pass” or “fail” each Proposed Resolution. Each Proposed Resolution will be addressed, debated, and then the vote will occur. Chapter Delegates will vote on behalf of the school.
· Remember, the work you do at MRM is really important! The Proposed Resolutions passed at MRM will go on to be discussed by the APhA-ASP Resolutions Committee which is comprised of the eight Regional Delegates that YOU elect at MRM. They will decide which Proposed Resolutions will be presented to the APhA-ASP House of Delegates at the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition.
· If you feel strongly about a particular proposed resolution that passes at the MRM, tell your Regional Delegate about it! They are responsible for representing the region and deciding what is addressed on a national level at the APhA-ASP House of Delegates.
· If you want to learn more about the APhA-ASP Policy Process, please visit the APhA-ASP Policy Vice President Toolkit and please see The Capsule, an Introduction and Orientation to the APhA-ASP Policy Process, for a complete listing of all the steps of the APhA-ASP Policy Process. Both of these resources can be found on the APhA-ASP Chapter Officer Resources Section of
Policy Proposal Forum: the forum that occurs on Saturday afternoon of the MRM. All proposed resolutions will be introduced to the region. During this forum, ANYONE may address the audience and state their opinion about a proposed resolution.
Proposed Resolution: an idea or concept that a student pharmacist brings to the attention of their region for discussion at the Policy Proposal Forum. The region will vote on each proposed resolution during the Closing Business Session.
Chapter Delegate: a representative from each chapter to the region. The chapter delegate will vote on each proposed resolution during the Closing Business Session on Sunday morning. Individual chapter members may not vote or address the House during the Closing Business Session.
Amendment: altering the proposed resolution. At the MRMs, the focus should be more on amending content rather than grammar.
Suspend House Rules: allows a violation of the house rules. The object of the suspension must be specified. For our purposes, suspension of house rules is primarily requested for the purpose of an amendment. For instance you might hear: “I would like to suspend the house rules for the purpose of an amendment.”
Previous Question: this motion calls for an end to the debate on a given proposed resolution or amendment. If a 2/3 majority is reached on a motion to call the previous question, all discussion on the previous motion stops, and the vote is conducted.
Division: this is called to recount the votes. If it seems as though there may be a tie in the voting, a division may be called and a recount will be conducted.
Caucus: a break in the Closing Business Session that allows the Chapter Delegate to consult the chapter before a vote. Caucuses are often called before the Regional Officer Candidate elections and when an amendment has been proposed that will significantly change the intent of the proposed resolution.
Yield the Floor: in order for anyone other than a Chapter Delegate to address the House at the Closing Business Session, the chapter delegate must yield the floor to that person.
About The APhA-ASP
APhA-ASP Region 3
The American Pharmacist Association is the oldest and largest professional organization for pharmacists in the country. The Academy of Student Pharmacists is held within APhA and is comprised by student pharmacists throughout the nation who are still taking classes at their respective colleges of pharmacy. APhA-ASP puts a strong emphasis on patient care initiatives, advocacy for the profession, and overall training to become a professional in the field of pharmacy.
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