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Mercer College of Pharmacy - Policy on Tap

In By APhA-ASP Region 3 / 6:33 PM

      Interested in how you can hold exciting policy events on your campus? Take a peak at the innovative ways Mercer College of Pharmacy is involving their students!

Mercer College of Pharmacy - Policy on Tap

Written by: Alastair Hay 

               While pharmacy policy and beer do not often go hand in hand, Policy on Tap, a new
event held by the APhA-ASP chapter at Mercer College of Pharmacy, makes us think they
                Craft breweries deliver innovative ideas on what beer can be, displacing the all too
common, stagnant beers that have overstayed their welcome. It is all about possibility, and
breweries across America are changing beer culture. Thus the innovative setting of a craft
brewery seemed to be the perfect place to introduce “Policy on Tap”.

                As student leaders in APhA-ASP, our challenge is to get peers involved with advocacy.
Often, students are introduced to the idea, but find it rather daunting, for they do not envision
themselves being able to inspire change. Complicating the situation, current ideas can seem stale
or monotonous, and great ideas are hard to come by. Moreover, worthy endeavors can seem like
impossible feats with the burden of implementation falling on time or money, leaving students
feeling overwhelmed and inept. Advocacy then becomes a fleeting thought. Which is why we
emulated the craft brewery model, took a few sips of creativity and inspiration, and challenged
students to become advocates. (good!)

                At the end of the spring semester, APhA-ASP partnered with Mercer’s NCPA, Kappa
Psi, Phi Delta Chi Chapters and class officers to host an event with the aim of bringing
awareness to current pharmacy legislation and to entice students to advocate for the future of
pharmacy. With multi-organizational sponsorships we were able to hold “Policy on Tap” at
Three Taverns Brewery in Atlanta, Georgia. Students and faculty alike to shared a beer and took
a tour of a brewery, and that was just the beginning. The night also included a short presentation
from State House Representative Brett Harrell, a friend of pharmacy and our Georgia Pharmacy
Association (GPhA). Rep. Harrell spoke about the importance of being a champion of our
profession and fostered conversations centered on how students are key to the future of our
vocation. Before the night ended, we passed out business cards that detailed the Provider Status
Bill and how students can advocate in their communities. While this event was a risk with
regards to time and money spent, we found that it reached students in an impactful and
memorable way. We struck a new chord with students who may not have initially seen
themselves as pharmacy promoters, and when the night concluded, the most common question
was when the next “Policy on Tap” would occur. The answer: the next ‘Policy on Tap’ will take
place early November. We are looking forward to making this event our go to ale while we ferment students into advocates in our future (barley) field.

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Policy and Advocacy Corner

In By APhA-ASP Region 3 / 6:31 PM

When trying to organize your chapter's policy and advocacy are you putting the cart before the horse? Lauren Bode examines what it takes to make positive headway on your policy and advocacy goals.

Policy and Advocacy Corner  
Written by: Lauren Bode

When you want to build a ship, do not begin by gathering wood, cutting boards,
and distributing work, but awaken within the heart of men the desire for the vast
and endless sea.“– Antoine de St. Exupery

                This quote by the brilliant writer and fearless aviator Antoine de St.
Exupery has valuable lessons for us as student leaders and policy and advocacy
enthusiasts. As leaders we have a tendency to start with gathering wood and cutting boards,
but without sharing the longing for the vast and endless sea with others, our ship
isn’t going anywhere fast.

                With policy and advocacy in particular, we must share with others why
advancing the practice of pharmacy is vital to the progression of patient care and
to the future of our profession. Certainly, teach others how to set up Hill visits
and reach out to legislators, but more importantly, teach them why we must do
these things. Patients are happier and healthier when pharmacists are on their
direct care team, so we need legislation like HR4190 to help us be there. All of
us will have years of higher education to be medication experts, ready to use
that knowledge to keep patients safe and make the public healthier. Yet many do
not know this and would limit our profession to the filling of bottles. St. Exupery’s
“vast and endless sea” for me is a future for the profession where pharmacists
are integral members of every healthcare team, in an academic medical center
as well as a rural family medicine practice, where patients have access to our
services and are healthier because of it, where we use our extensive training to
help patients live better lives. What motivates you?

                Whatever it is, in the coming weeks, when you are talking about APhA-
ASP or pharmacy policy, talk about the sea, and you will create an army of ship


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In case you missed it: Policy Development for MRM *deadlines*

In By APhA-ASP Region 3 / 1:26 PM

        What’s the most magical time of the year? You’re right! The policy development season! Leading up to our Midyear Regional Meeting , this year in Atlanta, GA from Oct. 24 – 26th, the student pharmacists in Region 3 live out one of the main tenets of the APhA-ASP mission statement:

The mission of the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists is to be the collective voice of student pharmacists, to provide opportunities for professional growth, to improve patient care, and to envision and advance the future of pharmacy.

We form our collective voice through the policy process! Furthermore, it is a powerful voice. Look through the APhA-ASP Adopted Resolutions and see how many of them are current practice today. (Hint: it’s a lot of them)

   So here’s how we are going to do this:

Important Dates
·      Two draft policy proposals due on Wednesday October 1st by 11:59 PM CDT. Please submit them on the attached template form toregion3aphaasp@gmail.com. When you send these in, please provide me with the name, email address, and chapter position of the person who will be introducing the proposed policies on the regional webinar. Which will be taking place:
·      Monday October 6th at 9:00 – 10:30 PM EDT (8:00 – 9:30 PM CDT). Anyone is welcome to join, but please have at least one person from the chapter on the webinar. You can register at the following link https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/486288118. Also, check out other upcoming webinars on the main pagehttp://www.pharmacist.com/apha-asp-webinar-series.
·      The week after that will be spend collaborating with other chapters and fine tuning the proposals that we will discuss at MRM.
·      Final policy proposals will be due on Wednesday October 15th by 11:59 PM CDT, on the same template as before, and to the same email address.
·      I will send you a document with all the proposals to be discussed by the end of Sunday October 19th so that you have the week before MRM to talk with your chapter.

Then it’s showtime at MRM in the Policy Proposal Forum and then the Closing Business Session. More details are below.

Helpful links:

More details about the process:
APhA-ASP Policy Process – Program at MRM2014

·      Although one proposed resolution will be finalized for discussion/debate at the MRM, chapters will be required to submit two (2) proposed resolutions to the Regional Delegate four (4) weeks prior to the start of the MRM.  Chapters should utilize the time at the start of the semester to discuss and debate submission of a primary (preferred) proposed resolution and a secondary proposed resolution.  The secondary proposed resolution will serve as an alternate proposal, and used only if the primary resolution cannot be presented because of duplication with other chapter submissions, redundancies with resolutions already within the APhA-ASP Adopted Resolutions, incompleteness, and/or any other reason precluding the proposal’s use.

·      A Regional Webinar will be conducted three (3) weeks prior to the MRM to discuss, debate, and finalize the proposed resolutions that will be brought forth to the MRM.  Your Regional Delegate will organize the proposed resolutions from each of the chapters looking for duplicates and redundancies.  Each Chapter will have the opportunity to present their proposed resolutions to the region for a period of two (2) minutes.  Chapters will then be provided an opportunity to comment and/or discuss any potential collaborative opportunities between Chapters.  These opportunities will be limited discussions, as extensive collaborative efforts should be reserved for separate forums and communications. 

·      The goal of the Webinar is to facilitate collaborations between chapters with similar ideas or discuss the need for using the alternative proposals.  This forum will not be the appropriate place for critiques, supporting/opposing, or promotion of the proposals.  Chapters will then be encouraged during and after the Webinar to work together on any duplicative items, and submit their final resolution to be considered two (2) weeks prior to the MRM. 

·      Each chapter is highly encouraged to have at a least one (1) representative on the Webinar (MRM Chapter Delegate, Chapter Policy Vice President, or Chapter President), however the Webinar is open all chapter members that would like to participate.

·      Following the Webinar, Chapters have the opportunity to work together, and submit their final proposed resolution to the Regional Delegate based upon chapter member feedback and feedback received during the Webinar.

·      A final copy of the proposed resolutions will be sent to all of the Chapters no later than the Friday, one (1) week prior to the start of the MRM.  Chapters should plan on having a general meeting to discuss the proposed resolutions with chapter members to decide on how the Chapter should vote during the MRM.

·      Chapters and Chapter Members have an opportunity to discuss their thoughts on each of the Proposed Resolutions, and develop comments and questions to be brought forth during the Policy Proposal Forum.

·      Any new Proposed Resolutions developed after the two week deadline shall be consider a New Business Item.  All New Business Items are due to the APhA-ASP Regional Delegate by the start of the first session on Saturday of the MRM.

·      The APhA-ASP Policy Proposal Forum is conducted on Saturday of the MRM.  Each Proposed Resolution is read aloud by the submitting Chapter and then can be discussed/debated by anyone (members and non-members) during the Forum.

·      When approaching a microphone to speak during the Policy Proposal Forum or the Closing Business Session, remember to state your name and school.  Also, remember to direct all of your comments to the Regional Delegate, National Officer or the person presiding over the Forum or Closing Business Session.

·      On Saturday evening of the MRM, Chapters should meet briefly to make a decision on how they will vote on each of the Proposed Resolutions and provide their Chapter Delegate with discussion points.

·      On Sunday morning of the MRM, the Closing Business Session is conducted.  Elections for Regional Office will be conducted first, then voting on the Proposed Resolutions.  During the Closing Business Session, the region will vote on whether to “pass” or “fail” each Proposed Resolution.  Each Proposed Resolution will be addressed, debated, and then the vote will occur.  Chapter Delegates will vote on behalf of the school.

·      Remember, the work you do at MRM is really important!  The Proposed Resolutions passed at MRM will go on to be discussed by the APhA-ASP Resolutions Committee which is comprised of the eight Regional Delegates that YOU elect at MRM.  They will decide which Proposed Resolutions will be presented to the APhA-ASP House of Delegates at the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition.

·      If you feel strongly about a particular proposed resolution that passes at the MRM, tell your Regional Delegate about it!  They are responsible for representing the region and deciding what is addressed on a national level at the APhA-ASP House of Delegates.

·      If you want to learn more about the APhA-ASP Policy Process, please visit the APhA-ASP Policy Vice President Toolkit and please see The Capsule, an Introduction and Orientation to the APhA-ASP Policy Process, for a complete listing of all the steps of the APhA-ASP Policy Process.  Both of these resources  can be found on the  APhA-ASP Chapter Officer Resources Section of pharmaicst.com/apha-asp.

Policy Proposal Forum:  the forum that occurs on Saturday afternoon of the MRM.  All proposed resolutions will be introduced to the region. During this forum, ANYONE may address the audience and state their opinion about a proposed resolution.

Proposed Resolution:  an idea or concept that a student pharmacist brings to the attention of their region for discussion at the Policy Proposal Forum. The region will vote on each proposed resolution during the Closing Business Session.

Chapter Delegate:  a representative from each chapter to the region. The chapter delegate will vote on each proposed resolution during the Closing Business Session on Sunday morning.  Individual chapter members may not vote or address the House during the Closing Business Session.

Amendment:  altering the proposed resolution.  At the MRMs, the focus should be more on amending content rather than grammar.

Suspend House Rules:  allows a violation of the house rules.  The object of the suspension must be specified.  For our purposes, suspension of house rules is primarily requested for the purpose of an amendment.  For instance you might hear: “I would like to suspend the house rules for the purpose of an amendment.”

Previous Question:  this motion calls for an end to the debate on a given proposed resolution or amendment.   If a 2/3 majority is reached on a motion to call the previous question, all discussion on the previous motion stops, and the vote is conducted.

Division:  this is called to recount the votes.  If it seems as though there may be a tie in the voting, a division may be called and a recount will be conducted.

Caucus:  a break in the Closing Business Session that allows the Chapter Delegate to consult the chapter before a vote.  Caucuses are often called before the Regional Officer Candidate elections and when an amendment has been proposed that will significantly change the intent of the proposed resolution.

Yield the Floor:  in order for anyone other than a Chapter Delegate to address the House at the Closing Business Session, the chapter delegate must yield the floor to that person.

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Sneak Peak: Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center + Things to do!

In By Will Beaty / 11:08 PM
Interested in what the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly Hotel & Convention Center looks like?

Take a sneak peak!

Bonus: Recommended places to visit!

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2014 National Chapter Challenges for MRM

In By APhA-ASP Region 3 / 10:18 PM

2014 National Chapter Challenges
Regional Newsletter
20 per article

Submit an article for the regional newsletter
1 article

One week prior to MRM
MRM Theme
20 per submission (max = 2 per chapter)

Submit a photo, article, or video showing us your chapter spirit while incorporating the MRM theme!
1 submission

One week prior to MRM
Member Recognition

20 per submission (max = 1 per chapter)

Submit member recognition to Regional Member-at-Large

1 submission

One week prior to MRM

During MRM

Man Mileage
Miles raveled x number of attendees; 1 point per 1000 miles (ex: 15 members traveled 560 miles = 8400 miles = 8.4 points)
Submit miles traveled by chapter.

Submit miles traveled by chapter.
Friday at registration
Dress Up
% of chapter dressed up (ex: 80% of chapter participation = 80 points)
Dress up for the Friday Night Social according to the theme!
Dress up at the Friday Night Social
At Friday Night Social Registration
Raffle Prize
25 points per raffle prize

Bring a raffle prize on behalf of your chapter using the MRM theme!
Submit a raffle prize
Friday at registration
10 per winning person

Win the icebreaker on Friday night and earn points for your chapter
Win the icebreaker

All submissions should be sent to aphaaspregion3@gmail.com.

Best of luck!

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Chapter Spotlight: University of Florida - St. Petersburg Campus

In By APhA-ASP Region 3 / 9:49 PM

Submitted by: Christina Beatty

Provider Status: Anyone Can Get Involved!

       The opportunity to spread the word about provider status for pharmacists and promote the pharmacy profession fell into my lap and I did not have to go out of my way do it. I stumbled upon the opportunity while on rotations at Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne, FL. My preceptor at the time, who also writes for the Space Coast Daily magazine, asked me to write an article on any pharmacy-related hot topic. 

What better hot topic to write about than provider status for pharmacists?

        I really wanted to inform the public about the integral role that pharmacists play every day and enlighten the public to the fact that pharmacists are not considered healthcare providers according to CMS. There are many people out there that love his/her pharmacist who would help us advocate for the pharmacy profession. I just wanted to get the word out about our mission to achieve provider status and expand services that pharmacists can offer to improve patient care.

Take a peak at what was printed below, hopefully this can serve as a model for anyone else interested in writing articles for upcoming American Pharmacists Month!

Pharmacists Are Integral Member of Healthcare Team

BREVARD COUNTY  MELBOURNE, FLORIDA — Pharmacists have earned aDoctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), and are the medication experts on the health care team. Currently, pharmacists are not recognized as healthcare providers under federal law despite a growing body of evidence showing that pharmacist involvement with patients does improve health, enhance patient satisfaction and reduce health care costs.
Although pharmacists are perhaps the most accessible professional healthcare providers, a lack of federal recognition restricts services that pharmacists can provide and be reimbursed for, such as Medication Therapy Management (MTM).
Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is one of the many services that a pharmacist can provide to help patients get the best benefit from their medications by identifying and resolving medication-related problems.
MTM is one of the many services that a pharmacist can provide to help patients get the best benefit from their medications by identifying and resolving medication-related problems. Pharmacists can identify adverse effects from medications and help improve adherence to medications by providing education on disease states and the importance of each medication.
How a pharmacist can help improve patient outcomes is illustrated by a scenario that occurred while I was working at a local retail pharmacy.
A patient was identified as having hypertension after two in-store screening blood pressure measurements suggested that it was consistently high. A brief interview with the patient revealed that the patient had stopped taking his blood pressure medications because he could not afford to see the doctor to get a refill.
We stepped in and provided education on the importance of taking blood pressure medications every day to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, and were able to bridge the gap between the physician and the patient by requesting refills on behalf of the patient and providing the medications at the lowest cost possible.
On March 11, 2014, H.R. 4190 was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives to amend Title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to cover pharmacist services. It is a bill that would recognize pharmacists as healthcare providers and valued members of the healthcare team.
Clinical pharmacists are bcoming increasingly more involved in direct patient care, both in the hospital and out-patient settings.
Clinical pharmacists are becoming increasingly more involved in direct patient care, both in the hospital and out-patient settings. HR 4190 recognizes pharmacists as valued members of the healthcare team, and allows and incentivizes them to use their unique skills and extensive education to enhance patient health.
H.R. 4190 allows Medicare reimbursement for certain pharmacist services in medically underserved communities.
Presently, many states allow pharmacists to provide additional services, such as immunizations, diabetes management, blood pressure screenings and routine checks, but there is currently no mechanism for pharmacists to be reimbursed by the Medicare program for their services.
This bill establishes a mechanism by which pharmacists can be reimbursed for these services they are already allowed to perform.
Many organizations, such as the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), are campaigning to achieve provider status for pharmacists.
If you think that your pharmacist has a positive impact on your health and deserves to be considered a healthcare provider, contact your congressperson today and ask them to support H.R. 4190.
For more information visit: Pharmacist.com/providerstatusrecognition

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Chapter Spotlight: Wingate University School of Pharmacy

In By Will Beaty / 9:35 PM

Submitted by: Sarah Paiement

       This has been a very busy year for the Wingate University School of Pharmacy chapter of APhA-ASP. One event however, has stuck out in the minds of everyone who was involved. Last fall our chapter partnered with the WUSOP Student Senate and various other student organizations to hold a health fair at the Men’s Shelter of Charlotte, a local homeless shelter. This health fair was an attempt to reach out to an under-served population, a change from previous health fairs.

        At the health fair we were able to provide a variety of health services, free of charge. These services included blood pressure screenings, blood glucose readings, DEXA scans, and flu shots. The flu shots were provided by Walgreens, and a total of 60 homeless men were immunized that day. In addition to the health services, student pharmacists were given the opportunity to practice their counseling skills by providing counseling on hypertension, heart health, diabetes, smoking cessation, over the counter medications, osteoporosis prevention, and how to differentiate between heartburn and a heart attack. The residents of the shelter who received health screenings and education were also given a “goody bag” filled with snacks, dental care items, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, hand sanitizer, TUMs, and clean socks.

       Not only were our student pharmacists able to have a huge impact on the men of the shelter, they had a tremendous impact on the students. Several students reported receiving hugs and heartfelt thanks from the patients, which aren’t often received from the patients that we interact with. Overall this event was a massive success, and is definitely something WUSOP would recommend to any chapter. It was a truly eye-opening event, and can hopefully be carried on in the future. 

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