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First-Year Student Pharmacists Attending APhA2014 - Q & A

Category: Written by APhA-ASP Region 3 / 11:20 PM
First-Year Student Pharmacists Attending APhA2014 - Q & A

What to expect when you visit "The Expo" at APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition.
          We on the verge of APhA2014! As we have been approaching the meeting I've asked a few first-year student pharmacists to speak about why the are coming and what they expect to see in Orlando.

       Once everyone returns home in April, I'll be able to ask a few more questions to see if their experiences were met, exceeded, or let down. On to the Q & A!

Allie Jo Shipman - Region 3 MRMC -  Mercer University

Q: What made you interested in attending APhA2014?
          MRM2013 - MRM is where I really got involved in and excited about APhA-ASP, and it is also where I found out about Annual Meeting. If the regional meeting was that awesome, then the national meeting must be even better, right? I'm excited to meet more pharmacists and student pharmacists, learn more about APhA-ASP patient care projects, get to know the national officer candidates, and learn more about APhA-ASP in general.
Q: Are there any specific events you are looking forward to attend?
           Pretty much everything, but definitely the APhA Foundation Women in Pharmacy 5K Fun Run/Walk and the Welcoming Social - "if it ain't neon, it shouldn't be on!" 

Scott Brewster - Chapter President Elect - East Tennessee State University

         Attending the Midyear Regional Meeting in Birmingham, AL made the decision for me to attend the APhA2014. I knew that if a Regional meeting could have such great speakers, networking, and educational value, Annual and the national collection could only get better.

Q: What are you looking forward to the most while in Orlando?

          I’m looking forward to continuing to develop my connections with Region 3 schools, meet other student pharmacists throughout the country, and participate in pharmacy on a national level. Being a first-year student, I am looking forward to the learning “How to Get the Job You Never Knew You Always Wanted” workshop. It has been great to learn of the opportunists in health care we have as pharmacists, and I know there are careers that I haven’t been exposed to yet. Most of all, I hope I can bring back the passion of the experience back to my school and chapter.

Jared Frye - Chapter President Elect - Wingate University

Q: Did a certain person or event convince you into coming to APhA2014? If so, who or what?

            I had the privilege to attend the Region 3 MRM in the fall semester of my first year. During this conference, I met individuals who are not just student pharmacists but motivated student pharmacists, which makes a huge difference. Being surrounded by motivated student pharmacists from other chapters allows you to brainstorm ideas that you can implement within your own chapter to benefit the community that you serve.  After this experience, I realized that I could not turn down another opportunity to interact with my peers. Therefore, I signed up for the APhA Annual Meeting and Exposition.
            What's great is APhA2014 gives individuals the opportunity to gain a better insight on what the future of pharmacy is leading to but also allows you to interact with other chapters, including those from other regions, to gain ideas that you can implement within your own chapter. I am excited to meet both pharmacists and student pharmacists from around the country. APhA2014 will also help mold me in being a better leader within my own chapter.

 Q: What events are you looking forward to attending at APhA2014?

            While there are many events I am looking forward to attending, there are two events that I feel will benefit me the most as an individual. The first is the APhA-ASP Chapter Presidents-Elect workshop which will help sculpt myself into the President-Elect that my chapter deserves. The second event I am looking most forward to is the APhA-ASP Working with Your State Association Workshop because currently I feel there is a lack of a unified body speaking. Whereas, if student pharmacists and the State Association worked together and spoke as a unified body there would be a bigger chance for positive change.
Thank for sharing!

About The APhA-ASP

APhA-ASP Region 3

The American Pharmacist Association is the oldest and largest professional organization for pharmacists in the country. The Academy of Student Pharmacists is held within APhA and is comprised by student pharmacists throughout the nation who are still taking classes at their respective colleges of pharmacy. APhA-ASP puts a strong emphasis on patient care initiatives, advocacy for the profession, and overall training to become a professional in the field of pharmacy.