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Meet Your New Regional Officers!

In By APhA-ASP Region 3 / 11:45 AM
Meet Your New Regional Officers!

Lauren Bode, Will Beaty, and Allie Jo Shipman

Lauren Bode
What can you tell me about yourself?

A little about me: I'm from Fort Worth, TX, and I went to college at Boston University. I designed my own major there, studying Chemistry, Art History, and a couple languages. I was going to be an art conservator, essentially a doctor for art, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I should be a doctor for people. I liked chemistry more, though, so I started looking more at pharmacy. I'm so glad I did because I can't imagine a better profession for me. I like taking care of patients and knowing that no matter how much I learn there will always be more to know.

If you didn't chose pharmacy as a career path, what else would you be doing?

I would probably be teaching English in Guatemala. I traveled there right before starting pharmacy school and I remember thinking that if I didn't have somewhere to be in a few months I'd stay right there in Quetzaltenango. 

What are some interesting facts someone might not know about you?

- I absolutely adore pickles, way beyond what is reasonable.
- I never sought a leadership position before pharmacy school
- My favorite game is backgammon


Will Beaty
What can you tell me about yourself? 

My hometown is Marion, VA and I double majored in Chemistry and Theatre at Emory & Henry College. I've wanted to be a pharmacist since a very young age but worked with theatre in undergrad to help pay for my books and schooling. My last three years of undergrad I was lucky enough to teach and direct theater productions for the gifted and talented programs for local middle schools. I was inspired to become a pharmacist when I discovered all the adult leaders who helped me in life through sports, boy scouts, etc. were all pharmacists. I wanted to be just like them and becoming a pharmacists was part of me being able to help others just like they did.

If you didn't choose pharmacy as a career path, what else would you be doing?

I would be working professionally in theater. Stable work is extremely difficult to find, so I would most likely be traveling between different theatre companies, jumping into a combination of different responsibilities as either an actor, director, playwright, and/or stage manager.

What are some interesting facts someone might not know about you?

- I'm down for any outdoor activity, I've even skydived.
- I'm an Eagle Scout. 
- I use to swim competitively and held swimming records at my high school.


What can you tell me about yourself?

         My name is Allie Jo Shipman, and I go by Allie Jo. I graduated this past May from Presbyterian College with a B.S. in biology and a B.A. in music, and I’m currently a P1 at Mercer University College of Pharmacy. I’m from North Augusta, SC, and the compounding pharmacist at the independent pharmacy in my hometown is the person who first got me interested in this profession. It was a big struggle for my parents to get my brother to swallow any kind of medicine when he was younger, but the compounding pharmacist was able to turn many of the medications that he needed into ointments that could be rubbed into his wrists. It may have seemed like a small thing to her to change the dosage form, but I remember thinking that one day I would love to be able to help others like she helped my family.

If you didn't chose pharmacy as a career path, what else would you be doing?

If I had not chosen pharmacy, I would probably be doing mission work somewhere. I’m actually seriously considering doing medical missions once I finish pharmacy school. I have a huge heart for people in general, and I love being able to help and serve others while also learning from them and their culture.

What are some interesting facts someone might not know about you?

I love music, almost all of my musical training has been classical, but I’ll listen to anything I consider to be good, so my playlists range from Beethoven to Avicii and pretty much everything in between.
- Hiking is also a favorite pastime of mine. Being outdoors is really refreshing for me, and hiking is a great stress reliever. Thru-hiking the entire Appalachian Trail is actually on my bucket list, so if anyone else has that on their bucket list as well, let me know! 

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