Regional Member-at-large Post JBM Update
Regional Member-at-large update:
Will Beaty
Your regional representation was hard at work this
APhA Women in Pharmacy Conference Room where the RMALs met. |
past January at APhA headquarters, planning and discussing what the future holds for all of those involved in APhA-ASP across the nation. While Lauren was downstairs going through resolutions and Allie Jo was learning how to legally solicit funding for MRM, RMALs were given the information needed to answer any question that may arise from any APhA-ASP
member in need.
Just a few of our updates - more will be coming to you as time serves right:
There will be a push for chapters to find ways to implement patient care projects from the International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (APHA-ASP/IPSF) into their current patient care initiatives. Be it improving your smoking cessation efforts or finding a way to add blood donation into your chapter initiatives, the blending of patient care initiatives is an easy and effective way to involve IPSF into your current chapter structure. In that same vein, chapters are encouraged to look and see what they can be a hosting school for international schools to come and visit!
Regional Facebook Page
Regional Facebook pages are no more! APhA-ASP's branding and message was becoming diluted with multiple, fragmented Facebook pages. Much of APhA-ASP's social media presence is being unified into the national accounts. Please click on the Facebook or Twitter icons I've placed at the top and bottom of the home page to like or follow them!
I worked really hard to put together an E-Newsletter as promised at MRM. The seven other RMALs were interested in what we are rolling out for Region 3 and many of them may be implementing this style of E-Newsletters using Region 3's template. A crash course in HTML editing was provided before everyone left headquarters to help in this transition and our combined hope is that we will provide you easier access and ease when you are in need of updates or APhA news. I urge everyone reading to please subscribe to this newsletter by providing your email address on the home page! Doing so provides you the fastest updates to what is/will be occurring.
I worked really hard to put together an E-Newsletter as promised at MRM. The seven other RMALs were interested in what we are rolling out for Region 3 and many of them may be implementing this style of E-Newsletters using Region 3's template. A crash course in HTML editing was provided before everyone left headquarters to help in this transition and our combined hope is that we will provide you easier access and ease when you are in need of updates or APhA news. I urge everyone reading to please subscribe to this newsletter by providing your email address on the home page! Doing so provides you the fastest updates to what is/will be occurring.
Please make sure you are registered and making your reservations for APhA2014 in Orlando, FL! Allie Jo, Lauren, and I will be traveling down a little early to make sure everything is prepared for your arrival. We are pretty hyped for what is to come and once you arrive you will see us running around trying to make your experience everything you wanted it to be.
I must explicitly express how prepared Allie Jo, Lauren, and I are to handle your questions, concerns, and suggestions. Please email us anytime at to reach us!
About The APhA-ASP
APhA-ASP Region 3
The American Pharmacist Association is the oldest and largest professional organization for pharmacists in the country. The Academy of Student Pharmacists is held within APhA and is comprised by student pharmacists throughout the nation who are still taking classes at their respective colleges of pharmacy. APhA-ASP puts a strong emphasis on patient care initiatives, advocacy for the profession, and overall training to become a professional in the field of pharmacy.
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